Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) is a research university characterized by a humanist vision committed to contribute to knowledge and to the well-being of society. UCP is committed to fundamental research, being recognized for the social impact of its research agenda and for its contribution to the formulation of policy. Research at UCP is organized into R&D Units, following the National Scientific System implemented by the FCT. Within this model, UCP has been successful in guaranteeing competitive national funding for its units, boasting an Associate Laboratory (CBQF) and several R&D Units recognized with the Excellence Seal by the competitive international FCT evaluation. CBQF is located i Porto in a state-of-the-art facility that includes research dedicated laboratories and Scientific Platforms on Analytical Chemistry; Tissue Culture; Molecular Biology; Packaging & Materials; Consumer & Sensory Science; Bioactives; Biophysics and Technology Hall; Kitchen Lab. CBQF integrates +250 researchers (117 with a PhD and +75 PhD students).
Role in the project: UCP is leading WP4 – Packaging for sustainable food systems and is also engaged in other WPs with a main role in WP3 – Microbiome-based protection for optimized food quality and safety.