FOODGUARD aims to develop and demonstrate co-created solutions that will support innovations & advances based on microbiome, microbial activities & technology hubs to address food, health, economic and environmental challenges. The envisioned approach consists of a framework of toolsets and methodologies to provide sustainable solutions in food processing, packaging, and across the food value chain to address food shelf-life increase and waste reduction in a holistic manner.
The FOODGUARD project has the following specific objectives:
- Develop and validate novel preservation solutions to extend shelf-life of perishable foods
- Develop microbial indicators/fingerprints & deployment as food quality /safety indices
- Implement developed tools for predicting food spoilage and foodborne illness risks based on microbiome data
- Implement Data Science, Information and Cloud Technologies for continuous on-line quality and safety control to minimize food waste/loss
- Scale up of the proposed solutions and test of their sustainability and safety in accordance with EU regulations
- Disseminate & communicate the developed tools for FOODGUARD high impact creation – Contribution to policy for new technologies adoption
- Provide tailored information, education, and training on Food Packaging and Safety Culture for target audiences
FOODGUARD aims to revolutionize food packaging and preservation through the following core Innovations and Solutions:
- bio preservation techniques: Introducing protective cultures, synthetic microbial consortia, and antimicrobial films to extend shelf life, reducing food waste, and replacing chemical preservatives,
- Smart Packaging: developing solutions incorporating microbial indicators, sensors, and molecular biomarkers for real-time monitoring of food quality and shelf life,
- Natural Antimicrobial Compounds: integrating bioactive materials into packaging to enhance food safety and sustainability,
- Leveraging Advanced Predictive Technologies for shelf-Life Prediction: employing AI, machine learning, IoT, and QR/NFC technologies for accurate, real-time monitoring and prediction of food shelf life across the supply chain,
- Comprehensive Food Risk Assessment thought the introduction of a Multi-Dimensional Risk Assessment (MDRA) framework to address safety challenges with greater precision and adaptability,
- Integrated Knowledge and Technology Platforms like iFGMS Platform: Create an intelligent Food Sustainability and Safety Management System to consolidate data, monitor shelf life, and predict food safety issues in real-time,
- Non-Invasive Sensors and Metagenomics: Implementing rapid, non-destructive technologies for quality and safety monitoring,
- Enhancing Traceability and Supply Chain Transparency: Developing cross-continental traceability systems using blockchain, QR/NFC, and cloud technologies, ensuring reliable and transparent supply chains.
Developed technologies and tools will be demonstrated in 4 pilots:
- Pilot 1: Demonstration of FoodGuard tools for shelf life extension of pre-packed fresh-cut vegetables
- Pilot 2: Demonstration of FoodGuard tools to increase the quality and safety of meat during preservation
- Pilot 3: Demonstration of FoodGuard tools to increase the quality and safety of fish during preservation
- Pilot 4: Demonstration of FoodGuard tools for shelf life extension of Feta cheese
Thus, FOODGUARD will:
- minimize food loss and waste by extending and predicting the shelf life of perishable foods
- support the implementation of innovative food preservation solutions and monitoring tools by the food industry while it will engage and educate consumers, improving awareness and trust in food sector
- contribute to policy deployment in regard to adoption of novel tools and data-driven innovations in food system quality and safety control
- increase traceability providing real-time supply transparency that will improve resource efficiency (reducing food loss and waste from farm to fork).
Discover more at this link.